Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Other Wedding Jobs for Friends

Other Wedding Jobs for Friends

When most people think of a wedding, the things that they think about are the bride and groom, of course, the wedding party, the flowers and the wedding reception.

But there is a lot more to a wedding than that, and this is how others can be involved if the wedding party has been filled.

Guest Book Attendant

- This is one of the jobs that can be offered to a friend who wasn’t included in the wedding party but still wants to help. This person will encourage the guests to sign the book and leave a message for the couple if they wish. It may seem like a small job, but it’s important.

Bird Seed Bag Attendants

- Another job that is available to friends of the bride and groom is to give everyone bags of bird seed after the ceremony. This can be done by one or two people, depending on how many people are attending the wedding.

Scripture readings

- If the bride and groom are having a ceremony that includes a lot of scripture readings, this is another nice touch to the ceremony, and can make your friends feel like a special part of your day.

Car decorating

- This can be a perfect job for a couple of guys who aren’t ushers. They can go out to the bridal car and decorate it for the drive to where the reception is being held.

This is also a job that can be done by some of the ushers, who don’t want to stand around for the receiving line.

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